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Buy, Grow and Sell YOUR business
All three steps of this process are hard and can be very complicated - BUYING, GROWING and SELLING. Please look around the site, take advantage of the free educational content to better prepare yourself and don't hesitate to reach out and start a conversation. Being proactive is the best advice we can give. So let's talk today before it's urgent or too late.
2 min read
The Challenges of DIY Business Sale vs. Engaging a Professional Advisor
Jun 30, 2024 by Myla Hadley
2 min read
Understanding Bank Financing for Business Acquisition: A Guide For Sellers
Jun 23, 2024 by Myla Hadley
downloadable educational resource:
Selling Your Business 101
You are probably too busy to read all those books on how to sell your company or maximize profits. You should read them, but in the meantime, this quick Guide with an extremely helpful checklist will point you in the right direction and make a complex process manageable and to your benefit. Do not let the simple word mislead you. This information is an insider’s guide from professionals.
How much is my business worth?
To determine the worth of a business, one must consider a few factors. For one, a business is only as valuable as its ability to provide an income in the future for a buyer. Other factors like what equipment does the business own; what is its inventory; profitability trends matter as well? Market comparables will also be important in understanding what your business may ultimately sell for.
How do I sell my business?
There are five simple, yet important, steps to consider when selling your business: Organizing all financial documents, understand market value, exit strategy, boosting revenue and sales, and business broker.
How to sell your business to a competitor?
The first step to selling your business to anyone is determining your business’s worth. Once you have done so, you can choose a listing price that is both competitive and within market standards.
Do I need an Attorney and an accountant to buy a business?
Buying or selling a business can be a complicated venture. While some businesses are sold without the help of accountants and attorneys, we strongly recommend that both the buyer and seller engage professionals.
Where can I find businesses that are available to buy?
Our website has a search page where you can look at thousands of businesses. There are a lot of other websites that have businesses for sale. If you find any business for sale, please call your Transworld representative and we can contact the seller or other broker on your behalf.
How much does it cost to buy a small business?
Businesses vary in price a great deal, however, it would be unlikely that one could buy a business with much less of a down payment than $20,000.